The Excretory System!! (Click this link to view product.)
The set ended with 18 titles. I am particularly pleased with this set because I feel that the questions and activities included are more thought-provoking and include more higher order thinking questions. The excretory system can be a difficult system to teach, but these warm ups are perfect for review and reinforcement each and every day. Do a few in class and send a few home for homework. I will be using some of the pages as quizzes as well.
The table of contents includes the following titles:
- Introduction to the Excretory System
- Regulating the Internal Environment
- Waste Products
- The Kidneys
- Labeling the Kidney
- Introduction to the Nephron
- Labeling the Nephron
- Parts of the Nephron
- Filtration
- The Loop of Henley
- Maintaining Water Balance
- Excretion
- Thinking Critically About the Excretory System
- Review the Vocabulary
- Review: What’s the Relationship?
- Review: Fill in the Blanks
- Review: Multiple Choice
- Review: True or False?
Due to the time of year (BACK TO SCHOOL!) I am a little short on time. I hope you will understand when the rest of the post is in pictures.
Click on any of the images above to view this product in my TpT store.
The feedback I have been receiving on the Human Body warm ups has been phenomenal. Thank you so much for your support!
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