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What is DNA, and How does It Work? A Free Animation!!

I am delighted to have discovered this FREE animation called "What is DNA and How Does It Work?"

I first ran across this animation on in the store of Jon Perry.  I watched the video and immediately became so excited about it!  Teaching about DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis is a very difficult process for many of our students.  This video presents the information in a very clear, concise and meaningful way.  The animations are cute, but appropriate for all grade levels.  The information is accurate, and explained in terms that can be understood by learners of all ages.  The animation is not overly technical nor overly simplified, but provides just the right mix of information to students who are beginning their study of DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis.

The best news is that Jon freely gives away his animation.  It is listed for free in his TpT store, and it also can be viewed on YouTube.

I was so impressed with the video, that I discovered that Jon has a web site called "Stated Clearly"  This information comes from his site:  "Stated Clearly was started by graphic artist Jon Perry in 2011. Since then, videographer Jeremiah Deasey, hip hop artist Anthony Danzl, and biological researcher Varinia Acosta have joined the team to add their skill and expertise."  I was delighted to read on Stated Clearly that the team has big plans for more videos covering all sorts of topics from genetics to evolution.

I encourage you to watch the video and make immediate plans for incorporating it into your instruction on DNA.  To Jon and his team, "GREAT JOB!!"

Jon's web site:  Stated Clearly
Find Jon on Facebook:  Stated Clearly on Facebook
Jon's store on TpT:  Jon Perry - Stated Clearly

1 comment:

  1. Michael Marrone's WifeNovember 2, 2012 at 12:41 AM

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