These snazzy new warm ups, bellringers and interactive notebook pages on the respiratory system will take your breath away!!
(Cue up the canned laughter....) All corny jokes aside, I am very excited to share my newest set of interactive notebook pages with you. I am slowly but surely working my way through the human body systems. This set of 19 student pages covers the respiratory system. The following pictures and images will give you the best idea of what is included in this newest product.
Click on any image below to view the product in my TpT store.
This product can be purchased individually, or as part of a growing bundle. This is the first time that I have tried out the idea of a "growing bundle." I have many return customers who are eagerly awaiting the completion of all of the human body system warm ups. In the past, I have bundled together many sets to offer at a discounted price. Many people have requested that I give them the opportunity to buy the bundle from the very beginning. So I have tried to honor that request by offering this growing bundle.
What is a growing bundle? A “growing bundle” is a bundle of products that is being posted to my store before all of the individual products are complete. As the new individual products are developed, they will be added to the bundle. With this “growing bundle” I am offering you the option of buying the bundle before the completion of the individual products.
As of this writing, the bundle contains:
• Introduction to the Human Body
• The Skeleton System
• The Muscular System
• The Integumentary System
• The Circulatory System
• The Respiratory System
The rest of the of the human body systems will be added to the bundle as I get them completed. Click the image below to view the growing bundle in my TpT store.
I hope that you are having a restful and relaxing summer. Take time to recharge and regain your sanity because the new school year will be upon us soon!
Happy Teaching!
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