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Let's Take a Virtual Field Trip to China!

Want to hang out in China with The Nature Conservancy and NatureWorks Everywhere?

Then this virtual field trip is for you!  Few things excite me more as a science teacher than teaching my students about how to protect and conserve our natural world.  Education is the key, and it is our responsibility as science teachers to make sure that our students are well educated about ecology and the environment.

I am extremely proud to be teaming up with The Nature Conversancy and NatureWorks Everywhere to bring you news of the 4th upcoming virtual field trip.  I have watched each of the first three virtual field trips and they are truly wonderful experiences that need to be shared in your classrooms.

Students love a field trip!  This special treat is usually reserved for the end of the school year.  But this December 4th, you can give them a live, virtual field trip experience that they will enjoy and remember!

Click image to go to the sign up page.
"Join our expert scientist Yue Wang, a conservation planning officer for The Nature Conservancy, on a virtual field trip across the world to two stunning provinces in China—Sichuan and Yunnan—where we will explore majestic forests, towering mountains, and other iconic landscapes. While examining the role these vital natural areas play in the carbon cycle and climate change, as well as the benefits of reforestation, we will learn about the magnificent creatures who call these habitats home: giant pandas, golden snub-nosed monkeys, and the elusive and odd-looking takin.
Exploring these critical areas will help students understand how important all habitats are for both people and animals—no matter where you are in the world. Our journey will demonstrate how scientists work with local communities to protect nature and create new wilderness."
The content of this virtual field trip is aligned with the  Next Generation Science Standards and the National Geography Standards. 

Ready to take the plunge and take your students on this amazing virtual field trip?  

This is what you need to do:

Step 1:  Sign Up!  Click this link to jump to the sign up page.  Sign up is quick, easy, and FREE!

Step 2:  Remember this is a live event!  Put the time and date on your planning calendar and start getting your students prepared for great lessons about our fragile environment.

Step 3:  Prepare yourself!  To aid in your preparation, download a copy of the standards that are being met.  This virtual field trip is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards and National Geography Standards.  The downloadable standards page will help in your lesson planning.  Click here to download:  China Virtual Field Trip Standards.

Click to view video.
Step 4:  Prepare your students! Help your students get the most from this unique experience. In the days before the virtual field trip, use these free resources to teach your students the concepts of deforestation and reforestation, the carbon cycle, greenhouse gases, and climate change. Don't worry!  All of this has been prepared for you.  This video, "Reforestation: Impact on Climate Change" has everything you need to ensure that your students master the concepts.

While you are visiting this video link, be sure to download the FREE Climate Change Lesson Plans. The 17-page lesson plan includes lesson overviews, time frames, vocabulary, background for the teacher, activities, self-assessments, extensions, infographics, and evaluations.  This is truly a teacher treasure trove of great lesson plans in an easy-to-use format.  What a gift for the busy teacher!

Step 5:  You should be all ready now!!   Let your students know that on December 4th they are going on a field trip!

PSSSSSSST:  Want to get an idea of the treat you are in for?  Take a look at the 3rd virtual field trip that occurred last May:  The Coral Reefs of Palau: Nature's Amazing Underwater Cities.

Disclosure:  This post has been sponsored through a partnership with WeAreTeachers and NatureWorks Everywhere.


  1. What a fantastic opportunity!! Thanks for sharing this Amy - off to spread the word :)

  2. This is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing, Amy! I love all that you do, and thank you!

  3. What an amazing opportunity! Can't wait to share this with my staff and students.
