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Ringing in the New Year With A Brand New Look!!

Hello everyone!  And Happy New Year!!  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season.  Teachers and students are back to school and hard at work.  I have a new energy and excitement for both my teaching and my blogging!  I am always excited about teaching, and l am looking forward to trying some new things with my classes this semester.

Why am I so excited about blogging?  Well ........ What do you think of my new blog design?

Let me start off by first thanking the incredible person who put together this custom design for me.  Michelle Tsivgadellis, also known as "The 3AM Teacher" is completely and totally responsible for the amazing new look.

Michelle was delightful to work with, and she completely understood the "type" of look I wanted for my blog. She is kind and patient and efficient, and I recommend her whole-heartedly!!

Now that the design work is done, the onus is upon me to start cranking out some new blog articles.  Let's see... I teach full time, have a family to take care of, grade papers to all hours of the night...  Sigh ... I'll try to fit blogging somewhere in there!

Wishing you good luck in your teaching this semester!


  1. AWE!! You are so sweet!! It looks great and I can't believe how much you have added!! You are doing such an amazing blog!! This is one of my favorite designs for sure!!

  2. Looks great, Amy & Michelle! Clean and fresh :)
