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Have you read this book?

This is a "must-read"!

I just finished reading one of the best books I have read in a long, long time.  It is called "October Sky".  It is an older book (1998), but I just came across it this summer when someone mentioned to me that it had been made into a movie.  This book would be appealing to any teachers, but science teachers will especially love it.

I am not going to give anything away, but this book is about the "rocket boys".  It is placed in the 1950's and early 1960's, and is a true story about a group of boys living in a coal mining town in West Virginia.  They teach themselves to build rockets, but more importantly they (and some key teachers in their lives) teach themselves that they can overcome hardships and can accomplish anything if they work at it hard enough.  It is an amazing story of what can be earned by hard work and dedication.  I cannot wait to see the movie.  I have just added it to my NetFlix cue.

I highly recommend this book.  It is well written and you need not be a science geek to enjoy it!


  1. I teach 8th grade physical science and we read this novel every year in class and then watch the movie. My kids love it. Even those that are often hard to engage really enjoy the book and if nothing else see that what they learn in class can be applied to real life.

  2. I completely agree. Not only is it an entertaining book to read, but it is highly motivational! I just love it!
